Crypto Compliance News Ethics Policy

This ethics policy outlines the standards and responsibilities of Crypto Compliance News’ editors, reviewers, and authors, ensuring a commitment to integrity, fairness, and transparency in all published content. It also addresses procedures for handling complaints, retractions, and related matters.

Editorial Responsibilities

Crypto Compliance News is dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards and fairness in the treatment of all submissions and published articles. The Editor-in-Chief holds ultimate responsibility for publication decisions, guided by the editorial board and peer reviewers while adhering to legal requirements and scientific standards. 

Decisions regarding review, publication, revisions, and rejections are final and not subject to appeal. Articles may be rejected at any stage, even post-acceptance if new information raises concerns about previous decisions. 

Both editors and authors must disclose conflicts of interest. Situations where authors have close relationships with editors or potential reviewers, are managed to ensure independent review and processing.

Crypto Compliance News is committed to upholding ethical integrity. All reports of suspected misconduct, including falsification, plagiarism, and copyright infringement, are thoroughly investigated.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Reviewers are chosen for their expertise and contribute to the quality and soundness of publications. They must provide fair, relevant, and sound feedback, avoiding personal criticism.

Reviewers must ensure anonymity by removing identifying information from their review comments and files. If unsure, they should seek guidance from the editor before submitting their review.

Reviewers can submit separate comments for editors and authors but must ensure consistency to avoid confusion. They should exercise caution when suggesting citations to their own work, ensuring such recommendations are justified.

Confidentiality is crucial; reviewers must keep manuscripts confidential during and after the review process and not use unpublished material for personal gain. Any ethical concerns about the articles under review, including potential conflicts of interest, should be reported to the editors.

Author Responsibilities

Authors must adhere to the highest standards of ethics, presenting their articles clearly, transparently, and accurately. They should submit only original works and properly acknowledge the contributions and influences of others.

Plagiarism and credit misappropriation are strictly prohibited. Authorship should reflect significant contributions to the research or writing of the article. Peripheral contributions should be listed in acknowledgements.

Crypto Compliance News requires original and exclusive submissions. Authors must confirm that their work is unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere. Proper citation of sources is mandatory, with DOIs provided when available.

Figures, images, and graphs must be accurate and respecting intellectual property rights. Articles must comply with ethical standards and legal regulations, including data protection laws.

Potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, must be disclosed. 

Authors are responsible for reporting and correcting any errors or inaccuracies in their published work. 

By adhering to this ethics policy, Crypto Compliance News aims to foster a culture of integrity and excellence in crypto compliance journalism.